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February 2023 Update

As we launch into the new year, we are excited to announce that we are starting our first small groups this month! Our hope is that these new small groups will form the nucleus of our future church family.

We will be starting our first home Bible study, a Men’s Bible Study, and a Women’s Bible Study. The Home Bible study will be at our house in East Vancouver starting on February 19th. Our Men’s and Women’s Bible studies will be at different coffee shops, both starting on February 15th. We are hoping that the people and neighbors we have been inviting will begin to attend and form the core of the future church. Please pray that hearts will be transformed and changed through the process.

On a personal note, we have faced some discouragements and setbacks.

At the current moment, Nick has a strained tendon in his foot which is limiting his ability to walk the neighborhood and play basketball at the gym (his main ways of meeting new people). Thankfully, he has a doctor’s appointment coming up, so please pray that he will recover soon, because at the moment, it hurts to walk. Please pray that Christ would build His church, despite the setbacks, and that more and more people would attend our small group meetings.

As for Pastor Dale and the future food bank, last month he applied for volunteer chaplaincy at a local hospital and has volunteered with Clark County and City of Vancouver Foodbanks. This is the beginning of the Hope Northwest food banks.

Here are some ways you can be praying for us:

  • That God would lead us to the right people and the right area, and He alone (not human wisdom or methods), would build His church.

  • That the upcoming Bible studies would flourish, and more and more people would be excited about attending Hope Northwest church.

  • We would remain steadfast despite the spiritual warfare. It is abundantly clear to see the enemy at work here. And that we do not get discouraged.

  • That our efforts would help create a revival that would break out throughout the city and continue to spill out throughout the entire Pacific Northwest.

Thank you again so much for all your prayers and support, both spiritual and financial. God is working in us and through each passing day. We long to see the Pacific Northwest come to know Jesus!

God bless,

Nick, Jess, Zion, Stephanie, and Dale


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